Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[Derek] Out like a lamb?


Somebody forgot to tell Georgia that it's generally nice out towards the end of March.

The last two mornings have been pretty cold - as you can see in the pics below, we had snow yesterday morning! This morning was snowless, but chillier at around 20 degrees. Both of us woke up to frozen water bottles (though Matt was smart enough to keep one of his in the tent).

But, we've been surviving it, and getting some fantastic views in the process! We're staying at the Top of Georgia hostel tonight and will be crossing the state line tomorrow afternoon. Onwards to North Carolina!


  1. I can't tell you how excited all my students (and many teachers) are to check your progress. I've made a bulletin board with a map showing where you are along with pics and parts of your blogs. I often have numerous people hovering around it - and they have thousands of questions about your adventure. Thanks for the updates!

  2. It sounds like a typical Redfern hike/trek where the unexpected can be expected! In a month or two you'll be longing for those cool days and chillier nights. But before that the great smokies await you for hopefully some fantastic views!
